Tags: javascript
The JavaScript Boolean object is a wrapper object around the boolean value, which can have two values TRUE or FALSE.
Tags: javascript
JavaScript Number object acts as a wrapper for primitive data type Number, which is used to store numeric values, both integer and floating-point values.
Tags: javascript
The JavaScript String object acts as a wrapper for primitive data type String that is used to store text values, which can be a sequence of letters, numbers, special characters, or a combination of all.
Tags: javascript,javascript-references
JavaScript Type Conversions explains how a value is converted to a string, number, or boolean value.
Tags: refactoring
Refactoring is a systematic process of improving code without adding any new functionality, that can transform a messy, unmanageable code into clean code and simple design.
Tags: javascript,javascript-references
JavaScript Reserved Keywords are the words that cannot be used as identifiers within a JavaScript program.
Tags: design-patterns
Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in object-oriented software design, that were adopted and tested by numerous projects, over a period of time and considered working.
This lists the most commonly used Ubuntu/Linux Commands while managing a Ubuntu machine with Linux operating system.
Tags: sql,sql-references
SQL Operators can be used to perform data manipulations or calculations.
Tags: references
A list of keywords and their definitions, that are used within the content of this website.
Tags: html,html-references
HTML Event Attributes come in handy when we need to invoke some Javascript code based on an event that occurs on a webpage.
Tags: html,html-references
HTML Country Code can be defined using the attribute lang on the element <html> to specify the language's country of a web page, which is being used by search engines and browsers.
Tags: html,html-references
HTML Language Code can be defined using the attribute lang on the element <html> to specify the language of a web page, which is being used by search engines and browsers.
Tags: html,html-attributes,html-references
HTML Global Attributes can be specified on any HTML element in an HTML document with each of them having a specific purpose.
Tags: html,html-attributes,html-references
HTML Attributes Reference lists all the HTML attributes along with their description, type, category, and their usage across different HTML versions.
Tags: html,html-elements,html-references
HTML Elements Reference lists all the HTML elements along with their description, type, category, and their usage across different HTML versions.
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