
The CASE clause can be used to define multiple conditions, each returning a different value when the condition is satisfied.

  • It contains a number of conditions and their values, which are read one after the other, and stops reading the conditions when the first condition is met and returns its value.
  • Once a condition is met, it stops reading the conditions and returns the respective value.
  • If none of the conditions are met, then it returns the value from the ELSE clause.
  • If the ELSE condition is not defined and none of the conditions are met, then a NULL value is returned.
  • It can have any number of conditions.

Let's look at the CASE statement in detail with examples.


Here is the basic syntax of the CASE statement within a SELECT statement.

  • The CASE statement returns result1 when condition1 is satisfied.
  • It returns result2 when condition2 is satisfied.
  • It returns resultN when conditionN is satisfied.
  • If none of the conditions are satisfied, then the result is returned.
    WHEN condition1 THEN result1
    WHEN condition2 THEN result2
    WHEN conditionN THEN resultN
    ELSE result

Table Date

Before executing any queries, consider the below data on the tables.

employee_id employee_name gender birth_date hire_date salary
1 Robin Hood M 1990-10-10 2010-10-15 25000
2 Tony Blank M 1982-08-07 2010-01-05 89000
3 Andrew Russel   1998-05-04 2012-02-20 28000
4 James Cooper M 2000-10-20 2015-05-10 50000
5 Rose Cutler F 1985-08-08 2015-06-21 65000


The below SELECT statement returns the employees and their salaries, along with a message using the CASE statement.

  • Each condition returns a text, based on their salary.
  • It has an ELSE block, that returns a text if none of the conditions are satisfied.

Run this on IDE

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, salary, 
    WHEN salary > 50000 THEN 'The salary is greater than 50000.'
    WHEN salary = 50000 THEN 'The salary is equal to 50000.'
    ELSE 'The salary is less than 50000.'
END AS salary_text
FROM employees;

After successful execution, the output contains the below data.

employee_id employee_name salary salary_text
1 Robin Hood 25000 The salary is less than 50000.
2 Tony Blank 89000 The salary is greater than 50000.
3 Andrew Russel 28000 The salary is less than 50000.
4 James Cooper 50000 The salary is equal to 50000.
5 Rose Cutler 65000 The salary is greater than 50000.

SELECT With CASE Without ELSE Block

The below SELECT statement returns the employees and their salaries, along with a message using the CASE statement.

  • Each condition returns a text, based on their gender.
  • It doesn't have an ELSE block, so the CASE statement returns a NULL when none of the conditions are satisfied.

Run this on IDE

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, gender, 
    WHEN gender = 'M' THEN 'Male'
    WHEN gender = 'F' THEN 'Female'
END AS gender_text
FROM employees;

After successful execution, the output contains the below data.

employee_id employee_name gender gender_text
1 Robin Hood M Male
2 Tony Blank M Male
3 Andrew Russel   NULL
4 James Cooper M Male
5 Rose Cutler F Female


We now understood how to use the CASE statement with multiple conditions.

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