Spring Boot - Save Logs to a file on disk

The Spring Boot application generates several logs while running, that can be seen on console from where it is run.

If the application is run on a IDE, the logs can be seen on IDE console. Similarly, if it is run using a command line tool, the logs can be seen on the tool itself.

However, we can save all such logs to a file on the machine hard disk with the below configuration.

Configuration Properties

Add the below properties in the application.properties or application.yml file as shown below.


We can even specify the logging level by adding the below property, which determines the root package to consider for logging level.


Similarly, the properties can be specified on yaml file as below.

    file: logs/application-debug.log
        console: "%d %-5level %logger : %msg%n"
        file: "%d %-5level [%thread] %logger : %msg%n"
        org.springframework.web: ERROR
        com.o: INFO
        org.hibernate: ERROR
        com.randomcodez: INFO

Logging Levels

Here is the list of valid logging levels and their order.

Logging Order Logging Level Description
1 TRACE Includes all TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR logs.
2 DEBUG Includes all DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR logs.
3 INFO Includes all INFO, WARNING, and ERROR logs.
4 WARNING Includes all WARNING and ERROR logs.
5 ERROR Includes all ERROR logs.


Now, we know how to save the logs to a file.