What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the 3 basic languages that all web developers must learn.

  • HTML is used to define the content of a web page.
  • CSS is used to define the layout of the web page content.
  • JavaScript is used to define the dynamic behavior of the web page content.

JavaScript is the most popular and widely used client-side scripting language, that runs within the client browser.

  • It is the default scripting language for HTML5.
  • It makes web pages dynamic and interactive.
  • It can be used to manipulate content that is being exchanged between a web browser and web server.
  • It is an object-oriented language.
  • It has some syntactical similarities with Java, but it is not related to Java in any way.

JavaScript Vs Java

JavaScript and Java are not related in any way, though they sound related due to their names.

  • Both of them are object-oriented languages.
  • JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, whereas Java is a server-side programming language.

JavaScript Uses

All the websites are built upon three basic languages, namely HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so every web developer must learn JavaScript.

We can do a lot of things with JavaScript on a web page, and some of them are listed here.

  • We can add, remove, or modify elements.
  • We can modify the style of the elements.
  • We can modify the position of the elements.
  • We can monitor events like a mouse click, hover, keyboard events, etc., and react to them.
  • We can create alert pop-ups to display info or warning messages to the user.
  • We can perform and control transitions and animations.
  • We can perform operations based on user inputs and display the results.
  • We can validate user inputs before submitting them to the web server.

There are many JavaScript frameworks (like Angular, React, etc.,) that are available today, which are built upon JavaScript. So, learning JavaScript is a must for learning any of the JavaScript frameworks.


JavaScript is used to make a web page dynamic and interactive.

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