What is HTML?
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
- The name is derived from two important keywords
. - Markup means
- HyperText means
HTML is the standard markup language for web pages.
Defines Web Page Structure
- HTML consists of a series of HTML elements.
- Each element defines the kind of content that it encapsulates.
- Each element has a specific meaning and a different usage.
- Elements tell browsers how to interpret and display the content.
Not Case Sensitive
- Older version of HTML, which is XHTML used to be case sensitive.
- But the latest version, which is HTML5 is not case sensitive.
- So, the element names can include both capital and small letters, but it is recommended to use small letters for all the element names.
Easy to Learn and Implement
HTML is easy to learn and implement compared to others
Every web developer is expected to know the HTML markup, which helps him excel in web development.
HTML is used to structure a web page content with headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and many more.